About Tara
The moment Tara Russell took her first Pilates class her passion for movement was born. Tara had just graduated from USC with the intention of pursuing a career in the visual arts when her father was diagnosed with Spinal Stenosis and degeneration of the cerebellum. To witness her father’s physical deterioration had a profound effect on Tara; her love for movement grew out of a quest to learn everything she could about health, and in turn she dedicated herself professionally to improving the physical condition of others. In time, Tara obtained her Pilates certification through the Physical Mind Institute, her Pilates for Pregnancy and Post Pregnancy certification through Fusion Pilates, her GYROTONIC®, GYROKINESIS®, Jumping Stretching Board and Leg Extension Unit certifications through GYROTONIC® International Headquarters, and pursued the study of yoga. Tara’s unmatched ability to achieve and to demonstrate proper body alignment inspired Gaiam, the world-renowned fitness pioneer, to feature Tara in thirteen instructional Pilates DVD’s as well as several yoga infomercials. Further, she has appeared on the cover of Pilates Style magazine and has written many articles. Tara’s extensive training is continuously enhanced by her dedication to ongoing education.
As an instructor, Tara challenges her clients by creating customized programs designed to ensure maximum results. When teaching, Tara insists on technical discipline while taking the time to explain every movement in a patient, thorough manner. As a result, her clients continually emphasize that while she always challenges them, she is a complete joy to train with. More than that, they point to increased strength, flexibility, and balance – results that speak for themselves. Tara’s instructors, colleagues, and students agree: she possesses an ability not only to energize one’s body and mind, but to elevate the spirit.
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The Studio
Centrally located near the Beverly Center, in the heart of Los Angeles, Tara Russell creates customized Pilates and GYROTONIC® sessions in a tranquil and completely private setting. One on one, duets, trios, mat classes and house calls are available.

“I feel the only reason I still fit into my pre-pregnancy clothing is thanks to Tara’s dedication to creating the perfect pregnancy workout for me…and, did I mention I had twins! She knew exactly what we needed during the pregnancy and, then, helped me regain my body following the c-section delivery. Tara has a unique way of creating very long, lean muscles…beyond that, being in her presence is a complete joy, her energy is contagious.”
Lisa Breckenridge, Fox 11 News
40 years of hardcore skiing, extreme, at freeway speeds, 5 spine surgeries later, neck and back, and dumb me, I mistakenly thought my ski days were over. Well, Tara proved me wrong with her consummate expertise as Los Angeles' foremost expert in Pilates....Even after a few recent crashes, which happen inevitably, my muscles especially spinal musculature were nicely stretched, core built up, and I recovered, painlessly picking myself up, kept ongoing. As a US Olympic Winter Team speed event physician, I know a little about the spine and limbs and I know Tara is the REAL deal.
Dr. Lawrence M. Richman, MD